Warrington v Salford-Match Preview.

Warrington v Salford.

As we reach the half way point in the season Salford are making very good progress. A much improved second half performance against London and a very solid defence helped register the Red Devils eighth victory of the season. Paul Rowley’s squad is set to be severely tested in the second half of 2024 with injuries beginning to creep in. Jack Ormondroyd is sidelined for a very significant period after a heavy knock a few weeks ago at Leigh.

Nathan Connell congratulates Tim Lafai on a try!

It was great to see young Nathan Connell play against London and with Australian Loghan Lewis arriving from Canberra the twenty one year old will boost the pack. Chris Hankinson has also been a top performer since returning to the team.

Chris Hankinson, playing some top rugby!

As I mentioned when the two sides met earlier in the season, Warrington have improved tremendously under Sam Burgess’s leadership in 2024. After defeat to Wigan in last Saturday’s Challenge Cup final all focus will now turn to a strong finish in the Super League.

It certainly was a big blow seeing Ian Blease leave the club to take up a position at Leeds this week. When you look at the Leeds club with their stadium and financial clout their isn’t many clubs in this country that can compete with the infrastructure they have. When a club like that flex’s it’s muscles the outcome is inevitable. Ian certainly has a fair old job on at Headingly. I caught a bit of the press conference and the lady interviewing him said the supporters want instant results. Sport doesn’t work like that though.

Ian Blease, moving on!

One memory I have of Ian Blease was from years ago in the old Variety centre at the Willows. The song Sit Down by James was very popular in the early 90s and when that came on Ian sat down on the dance floor with loads of kids from the Junior Devils. Good times that got me hooked to Salford RLFC and that loyalty and love for this club will last a lifetime.

One thing you want in sport is stability. You don’t want your structure upsetting. I suppose we will have to see what unfolds in the coming weeks as to what action the club takes regarding a replacement for Ian. As a supporter though a lot of things are out of your control but sticking together and getting behind our club is what Salford fanatics do best. Best wishes to Ian Blease on his future Rugby League journey.

Super away record

Warrington 21

Draws 0

Salford 10

1997 Warrington 23 Salford 8

1998 Warrington 4 Salford 37

1999 Warrington 28 Salford 14

2000 Warrington 32 Salford 18

2000 Warrington 38 Salford 10

2001 Warrington 14 Salford 39

2002 Warrington 18 Salford 9

2002 Warrington 2 Salford 22

2004 Warrington 46 Salford 20

2005 Warrington 48 Salford 14

2005 Warrington 32 Salford 22

2006 Warrington 6 Salford 24

2006 Warrington 6 Salford 22

2007 Warrington 42 Salford 6

2009 Warrington 62 Salford 20

2010 Warrington 32 Salford 2

2011 Warrington 16 Salford 18

2012 Warrington 24 Salford 20

2013 Warrington 68 Salford 10

2014 Warrington 36 Salford 20

2015 Warrington 22 Salford 8

2016 Warrington 40 Salford 14

2017 Warrington 12 Salford 38

2018 Warrington 30 Salford 14

2019 Warrington 12 Salford 36

2019 Warrington 12 Salford 22

2020 Warrington 24 Salford 0 (match forfeited, Warrington awarded win)

2021 Warrington 20 Salford 19

2022 Warrington 32 Salford 18

2023 Warrington 36 Salford 20

They played for both.

Over the years there have been plenty of players who’ve been at both clubs at some point in their career. Here are a few of them,

Vinny Anderson, kevin Ashcroft, Richie Barnett, Steve Blakeley, Martin Crompton, John Duffy, Phil Ford, Martin Gleeson, Andy Gregory, Danny Halliwell, Neil Harmon, Alan Hunte, David Highton, Danny Lima, Lama Tasi, Tyrone McCarthy, Francis Maloney, Adrian Morley, Chris Morley, Ben Murdoch Masila, Richie Myler, Adam Neal, Gareth O Brien, Rob Parker, Stefan Ratchford, Stuart Reardon, Ian Sibbit, Kevin Tamati, Mike Wainwright and John Wilshere.

David Highton, played for both clubs!

A match to remember Friday 10th April 1998.

Warrington 4 Salford 37.

This good Friday fixture was just over 21 years ago. Thinking back it doesn’t seem that long ago at all. Where have all those seasons gone!!

The 1998 season was our second in Super League and after modest success in 1997 under coach Andy Gregory Salford supporters were excited to kick on.

The league campaign had got underway the previous week with a narrow 14-18 home defeat at The Willows against St. Helens.

The new look Reds had recruited heavily in the build up to the season and expectations were high.

A very healthy crowd packed the terraces at Wilderspool as the two sides ran out for kick off. The atmosphere at the ‘zoo’ as it was affectionately known was always special as well being quite intimidating for an away supporter. Salford always took a very big, vocal following there and it was probably my favourite away day.

From minute one Salford dominated in attack and defence. Warrington were shell shocked. The miserable weather conditions didn’t really allow free flowing rugby but Salford wore there opponents down with grit and determination. Scoring some excellent team tries as well as tackling the wolves to a stand still. The hosts only score came from centre Toa Kohe-Love.

The Reds bagged seven tries, Darren Rogers two, Dave Bradbury, Gary Broadbent, Paul Forber, Scott Naylor and David Hulme all crossing.

Try scorer in 98, Gary Broadbent!

New signing Martin Crompton kicked four goals and dropped a goal to cap off a remarkable afternoon.

The teams that day were;


Penny, Roach, Kohe-Love, Fawcett, Forster, Doyle, Briers, Fogerty, Farrar, Nutley, McCurrie, Tuuta, Wainwright. Subs, Rudd, Causey, Chambers, Knott.


Broadbent, Hassan, Naylor, Mcavoy, Rogers, White, Crompton, Savelio, Edwards, Esene Faimalo , Joe Faimalo, Bradbury, Hulme.

Subs, Martin, Lee, Forber, Southern.

Attendance 5,567

Referee, Robert Connolly.

Friday’s match.

Playing a team straight after a Cup final can work both ways. The Wolves could suffer a hangover or on the other hand they could be determined to banish the Wembley defeat as quickly as possible. One thing Salford need to do is come out firing from the kick off. Hopefully the week off Paul Rowley’s side have had will of helped rest and recover players with knocks and niggling injuries.

I’ve been impressed with Warrington when I’ve caught their matches this season on the television. Their back line is full of pace with Matty Ashton, Josh Thewlis and centre Toby King is a real quality player. Matt Dufty is a feisty competitor who likes to get stuck in. Sometimes he tends to get sucked in and can be wound up easily but you wouldn’t want to coach that edginess out of him.

The Wolves have Danny Walker at hooker who is developing into one of the best nines in the country. I can remember seeing him play for Widnes when he first started out and you could see straight away the talent he’s got. George Williams needs no introduction having played at the highest level for a number of years as well as being an England international.

Shane Wright, a big influence in the pack!

When the two sides met at Salford at the end of April the Red Devils won 17-12 in arguably their best performance of the season. With Marc Sneyd pulling the strings Salford have the finishing prowess out wide to cause any team problems. It’s the pack though that has struggled recently and without your forwards laying the foundations your going to find it difficult to get into good ball positions to post points. The pack that comes out on top in this match will have a huge bearing on the end result.

The action gets under way at 8pm.

Safe travels and enjoy the match.

Paul Whiteside.

Big thanks to Steve McCormick for the photos and the Salford match day programme.

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